The economic crisis caused by COVID 19 has negatively affected the economy of almost every country in the world. The epidemic that began at the beginning of 2020 in China spread quickly all over the world. As you know, the Chinese have coped well with the development of the epidemic. The epidemic in Europe is much more developed, which has significantly influenced the countries of Europe. Prostitution as one of the most important elements of every country’s economy. In many countries around the world, offering sex services is legal and countries charge different taxes for this profession. Unlike other branches of the economy, prostitution does not receive support from any government. It is also known that women working in sex services are most at risk of contracting COVID 19, maybe not like doctors, but their work is highly exposed to it.

As you know, many rights have been taken away from the current epidemic. Borders have been closed in European countries. The Schengen area has been paralyzed. Prostitutes could no longer provide their services on the roads. In Central and Eastern Europe it is not a problem because not many women in this region do not work on the road. This is not Spain, where prostitutes often stand a few meters apart. The ban on free movement did not, however, negatively affect the entire prostitution industry in Central and Eastern Europe. The biggest culprit was only the fear of clients and clients by prostitutes. The second important factor was the dramatic economic situation which has a very negative impact on poorer countries. Many men lost their jobs, which was tantamount to giving up many pleasures. As the girls themselves emphasize, men working in the IT industry turned out to be salvation. Many of these men earn big money well above the national average. What’s more, they didn’t lose their jobs.
The main branch of prostitution in Central and Eastern Europe is the internet. On the websites containing the database of erotic announcements, you could still find hundreds of announcements even during the epidemic peak. Many sex sites in Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary have seen a significant drop in interest in the sex industry. The activity of prostitutes dropped significantly for fear of clients as well as the interest of clients decreased. It’s best to find out by checking the results from the Google trends tool. A significant decrease of over 30% compared to several months before the epidemic. Fortunately, the situation is back to normal. It is now possible to announce the end of the prostitution crisis in Central and Eastern Europe. As you can see on the largest websites with a database of sex offers in Poland, the number of ads is already close to that from before the epidemic. As we checked on popular erotic advertisement sites such as Roksa, Odloty and Eamore there are already about 20,000 ads in total. These websites contain not only sex offers of prostitutes but also ads of clubs, men, couples and transgender people who often seek entertainment for free.
As we verified on the largest portal in Poland informing about prostitutes working on the road, women have not returned to their places yet. Thanks to the fact that a small percentage of erotic services in Poland the entire industry has not suffered so much. Many girls have used the epidemic to leave. Other girls have tried to offer their clients a phone sex service fearing the potential risk of contracting COVID19. Unfortunately, the governments of no country from Central and Eastern Europe did not introduce assistance programs for prostitutes. Each government has introduced support programs for people who lost their jobs in other industries or ran businesses. This support does not apply to people earning on sex services.